Soto Bandung
Soto Bandung is suitable to eat in cold weather. This food presented with soybean and rawit chilli sauce make this food more delicious. It's fresh and tasty food attract people to eat this food.
250 gr beef, boiled until soft and cut like form of dice
100 gr turnip, peeled, thinly sliced boiled ago
1 liter beef broth
25 gr white soybeans, soaked to swell, and then fried until cooked
1 stem Serai, at
3 cloves garlic mashed
2 cm ginger, at
1 tsp salt
½ tsp white pepper mashed
2 tsp vegetable oil
1 Stem onion leaves, finely sliced
1 stem celery leaves, finely sliced
1 tbsp onion fry
How to create:
1. Heat vegetable oil, garlic cooked until fragrant
2. Enter Serai, ginger, and then slosh
3. Enter the broth, cook until boiling
4. Enter the beef, salt, pepper, poke the meat and cook
until cooked. Lift
5. Prepare the bowl, insert radish, fried soybeans, spring
onion, celery fine, and then enter the broth. Served
with fried onion. Serve warm.
*Picture taken from*
Dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Soto Bandung
Soto bandung cocok sekali disantap pada saat cuaca dingin.. Apalagi di hidangkan dgn taburan kacang kedelai dan sambal rawit hijau emm lezat. Rasanya yang segar dan gurih membuat hidangan ini semakin diminati banyak orang.
250 gr daging sapi,rebus hingga empuk dan dipotong bentuk dadu
100 gr lobak, kupas, iris tipis lalu rebus dan tiriskan
1 liter air kaldu sapi
25 gr kedelai putih, rendam hingga mengembang, tiriskan lalu goreng matang
1 batang serai dimemarkan
3 siung bawang putih, haluskan
2 cm jahe, memarkan
1sdt garam
½ sdt lada putih, haluskan
2 sdt minyak sayur
1 batang daun bawang, iris halus
1 batang daun seledri, iris halus
1 sdm bawang merah goreng
Cara membuat:
1. Panaskan minyak sayur, tumis bawang putih hingga harum
2. Masukkan serai, jahe, aduk rata
3. Masukkan kaldu, masak hingga mendidih
4. Masukkan daging sapi, garam, lada, aduk dan masak hingga daging matang.
5. Siapkan mangkuk, masukkan lobak, kedelai goring, daun bawang, seledri halus,
lalu siram dengan kuah daging. Taburi dengan bawang goreng. Sajikan hangat.
*ilustrasi gambar berasal dari indonext27.blogspot.
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